Monday, June 21, 2010

Support from the neighbours

I am overwhelmed by the amount of support I received from the neighbours when I walked up and down St. Margarets St. today. I talked to about 30 neighbours out of 60 houses along both side of St. Margarets St.

Almost all the neighbours are happy that someone is organizing a "No" E45th median barrier campaign. There are 3-4 neighbours that want to read the letter before making comments, but I can tell they are not happy with the median barrier either.

If we break into percentage, over 90% of the neighbours are against the median barrier, 10% don't want to make comment, and 0% think the median barrier is a good idea.

During the walk, I met alot of nice neighbours that want to help, and point out which houses/families would like to hear about the "No" median barrier campaign.

One nice lady told me that she is a cyclist and she feels the median barrier is worse than the 4 ways STOP we used to have. The "hole" between the concrete barrier is too small for children trolley towing behind a bike. Now that the 4 ways STOP sign are gone, the cars are driving faster through E45th, so she really wish everthing goes back to the way it was.

Many neighbours said they would come join the Friday meeting with Michael Klassen. Those that can't make the Friday meeting because it is 2:45PM in the afternoon, would show their support by coming to this website.

I wish to thanks everyone for their support. As one neighbour points out, "We did it four years ago, we can do it again." In reference to the City backing down four years ago on the same barrier issue.


Tom at Margarets St.

1 comment:

  1. Can you please contact me at I woul dlike to discuss how to proceed in this campaing. Thank you ina dvance.
