Sunday, June 20, 2010

Clarendon and 45th median barrier

I would like to share a story on how the City of Vancouver (Mr. Greg Robinson and the Vision councillors) put our children at risk for the benefit of cyclists in the Clarendon and E45th neighbourhood.

A timeline of what happen:

May 7, 2010: The City Engineering mailed out a letter informing the local residents that the City is putting up a median barrier at the intersection of Clarendon and E45th Ave. (see attached City engineering letter)

May 23, 2010: I wrote a more detail e-mail to Mr. Mike Anderson, the representative of City Engineering, voicing why the barrier on the E45th would result in dangerous driving pattern by our local elementary school on E46th.

May 27, 2010: Mike Anderson wrote back and indicate the "Budget" is a major criteria in their decision making, and the City engineering would monitor the traffic pattern during the trial period.

June 17, 2010: The City Engineering put up a barrier as show on the picture, courtesy of TOS'd at

June 18, 2010: I wrote a detail mail to Mr. Mike Anderson informing him, that since the barrier went up, we have increase traffic along E46th Ave. and Nanaimo St. by our local elementary school zone. I also demand to know how the Engineer that design the barrier want us local residents to get home now that the only direct access on E45th is block off.

June 18, 2010: Mike Anderson wrote back and said,
As a resident of the neighbourhood, it is reasonable that you use neighbourhood streets to access your home. My suggestion is that you use Nanaimo Street. Although there is a school zone on Nanaimo Street, you as a resident of the neighbourhood are more of aware of this than most, so we would expect you to respect that zone more than many non-local motorists might. As noted in my previous communication with you, we recognize that there is an inconvenience for you and your neighbours. However, our primary objective is to reduce non-local traffic using our bikeways. Note that Nanaimo Street is not designated as a bikeway south of 45th Avenue.

I am very angry and disappointed by the stone-walling tactic that the City Engineering and the current sit-in Vision councillors are taking. Around three years ago, the previous city council was courteous enough to mail an input & feedback letter shortly after the City put up a right turn only barrier at the same intersection. We, local neighbourhood residents, overwhelming vote "NO" to the right turn only barrier. The City backed down and dismantle the temporary barrier. Now 3 years later, the current Vision council don't even want a "Feedback" They want the barrier Now! If no one complaints, then it is going to be permanent concrete island in six months. It is the same tactic the council is using for the Georgia Viaduct.

This tactic is disgusting. the Georgia Viaduct bike project cost the merchants millions in lost sales. The Clarendon & E45th median barrier is at the expense of our children's safety.
These people only care that their precious cyclists get a reduce traffic on their bike route. They don't care the traffic get push to our children's school playground area on E46th.
Mr. Mike Anderson even has the gull to said that Nanaimo from E45th to E49th is no longer their precious bike route, so the increase traffic is okay.

I question what the City Engineering and the current city council is thinking? Do you know how long it take us local residents/parents to get speed humps to reduce the traffic in the E46th and the Nanaimo St. school zone area to protect our children??!! It taken years... We have to wait for a hit-and-run death at Elliott & Waverley St. before we got the E46th pedestrian activated traffic light. So now your adult bikers's safety along E45th are more important than our children's safety who run across the E46th side street & Nanaimo St. near the playgound all the time??

Dear residents,

I ask your help in sharing this story.

We are trying our best to protect our children going to Waverley Elementary school, by writing letters and forwarding petitions to the Mayor & Council. But public pressure is needed.
The current Vision council has a ruling majority and most are extremely cyclist oriented. This issue is not about drivers versus cyclist, but our children's safety versus cyclist's. Please do not let the City Engineering & the Vision council confuse the issue.

If you want more information, please do not hesitate to e-mail me back or comment on this blog.


Tom Huang at Margarets St.


  1. The following is a copy of an email I posted to Mr. Kenny at the City of Vancouver. Bellow is his contact information. I urge everyone concerned with this project to be active. Either if you are "FOR" or "AGAINST" it, please contact the City of Vancouver at 311 on your phone. Also tell as many people as possible, send out email lists about this website and how to contact the city. We need to have our voices heard both the positive and the negative. I urge Bicyclist, Pedestrians, Motor Vehicles to express to the City their concerns and the positives regarding this project. Let’s not sit idly by and be complaining about this situation for years to come, now is the time to speak out. Let’s make certain that due diligence is done and that the process are followed so that we can return our neighbourhood to a safe environment that it was and should be. This can only be done if all parties involved are allowed to speak their minds on the issues present. So please speak loud and clear both here on this forum , but more importantly directly to the City, do not be discouraged by the lack of response, these type of processes are dependent on people giving up hope and feeling that no one is listening to them. I urge you o continue speaking out on this and making your feelings known to Vancouver City Hall. Bellow is the contact information that I have for the City of Vancouver. Also you use this website, thank you Tom, to share information, I have included it on the email that I sent to the City and I am sure someone will be looking at it. Lastly remember you are the people being most affected by these decisions so you need to be heard, "SPEAK AND BE HEARD"!!!
    City of Vancouver – Phone 311
    City of Vancouver Engineering – 604-873-7323
    Ross Kenny
    Project Engineer City of Vancouver
    Greenways & Neighbourhood Transportation Branch
    Tel: 604-871-6967
    Fax: 604-871-6192

    Mike Anderson
    Tel: 604-871-6916
    Fax: 604-871-6192

    Mayor Gregor Robertson

    Copy of Email Sent Out, Please see next posting!

  2. Sent: June-26-10 10:37 AM
    To: 'Kenny, Ross'; ''; ''
    Cc: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
    Subject: RE: East 45th data

    Hello Mr. Kenny,
    Thank you for your time on the phone and your email. Mr. Kenny we need to better understand this process and how to deal with what the neighbourhood feels in an inappropriate and dangerous situation.
    This intersection has been a safe controlled intersection for all who use it Bicyclists, pedestrian and cars. I believe one of the most important mandates of a city engineer when it comes to thoroughfares is the engineer the safest possible means of Bicyclist, pedestrians and cars to coexist. We they neighbours residing in this area unfortunately have a resounding and unanimous letter grade for this project, it is a complete failure, because it does not it does not address the basic aspect of engineering a safe environment for bicyclist, pedestrians and cars to coexist. As such this intersection is an accident waiting to happen, it maybe just a coincident but you have chosen the slowest period of the year from a traffic perspective, now that schools is out , because there are 5 schools in the area that are directly affected by the traffic pattern change the city has initiated. Come September when all 5 schools reopen and the traffic in the area goes back up to normal, the probability of a fatal accident resulting from the changes the city has implemented will certainly increase and I hope but I am not very certain don’t come to fruition.
    We the neighbours in the area are extremely disappointed in the manner in which the city as initiated these changes without prior consultation with the neighbourhood and arbitrarily made a decision that has a much higher impact on the neighbourhood than city seems to understand.
    We have monitored the situation for the period of time that it has been in place an in clear conscious we cannot idly stand by and wait for a fatality to occur, we hope the city is as concerned about the welfare of its citizens as the neighbours of 45th & Clarendon, after all the signs on the street corners do state “OURS” & “YOURS”. As such we demand to take an active role in being consulted when such drastic and dangerous changes are made to our neighbourhood. This is not a case of cars versus bicyclists t on our roads, we are all for a cleaner environment, smaller carbon foot print, for our generation and the future generation of families in Vancouver and around the globe. This needs to be done in a safe environment where all can coexist, this is the opposite of what this project has created. This project has now made this an unsafe environment for bicyclist, pedestrians and for vehicles. We are certain this was not the mandate of this project, and respectfully ask the city of Vancouver to review this situation with assistance of the neighbourhood and interested parties to come up with a solution and all can coexist in this great neighbourhood.

    con't next post

  3. To this end Friday June 25th, some of the neighbourhood approximately 25 people from the neighbourhood came together at this intersection to review the situation and discus how it is affecting our neighbourhood. We were joined by Mr. Mike Klassen form, Global TV, and CKNW. The items that were discussed all revolved around safety and how it affects everyone form bicyclist who now have to cross an extremely busy intersection without any traffic control to assist them getting across safely. Pedestrian traffic now also has to cross a very busy intersection without the assistance of any traffic control at this intersection. Car traffic is also now involved in extremely dangerous situations, they are pulling U-turns to avoid the barriers, driving at high rates of speeds through such residential streets ads 44th and 46th creating extremely dangerous situations on what are truly residential streets unlike 45th which we would consider more of a secondary street. Everyone was urged to contact the city to raise their concerns and make certain that the city understand how important this situation is to our neighbourhood. To this end it was very frustrating to hear at the lack of response some residents insisted they experienced when calling in to the city. Some of us were embarrassed and ashamed that the people who represent us a City Hall and we have trusted to be care takers of our City/neighbourhoods, where not taking responsibility and ownership of this decision and dealing with the consequences, but rather burying their heads in the sand hopping it would go away. One things is for certain that came out of this gathering, this issue will not go away until the neighbourhoods safety concerns are dealt with.
    Mr. Kenny we need to understand the process that was undertaken by the city without the consultation of the people most affected by this project, that is the residents of this neighbourhood. We also need to understand what processes are in place for us to have this project either cease exiting or changed to some other configuration where it can provide a positive impact on this neighbourhoods bicyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicle traffic, but most importantly we need to have this project modified so that it either brings back the same level of safety or improves on the level of safety offered to al bicyclists, pedestrians and motor vehicles, not the negative safety impact this project has had on all parties.
    We look forward to your response and a opportunity to discuss the situation in an open forum, at your earliest convenience. This situations needs to have the people most affected by it heard and we look forward to that opportunity.

    Thank You,

  4. I have just started amn online petition please sign it and send to your friends.
