Monday, June 21, 2010

Meet Michael Klassen 24hours newspaper columnist

I am really happy that Michael Klassen, 24 hours newspaper columnist, is willing to come down and meet with us and listen to our story.

Please come and support the "No" median barrier campaign:

Friday, June 25, 2010 2:45PM
Waverley elementary school (Clarendon and 46th)

We will be distributing the city engineering letter, and Michael will asks how we residents feel about the median barrier.

It is important we get as many people show up as possible. It maybe the last chance we have in forcing the city to back down through public pressure.

Thanks everyone!

Tom at Margarets St.

1 comment:

  1. I agree that this barrier is a bad idea. They want to block this road to enhance the bicycle route and make it more comfortable for cyclists. What about the comfort of the neighborhood tax payers who have to pay for these changes and now have to go out of their way to travel East. It is quite an inconvenience. If 45th is so busy does this not show that maybe it is not the best place for cyclists to ride?
